Why do cats get chin acne?
Dr. Jessie: There are a number of reasons why cats could get chin acne. The biggest is that cats that eat or drink out of containers that have porous surfaces (like plastic) are more likely to get bacterial skin infections because the porous material can harbor bacteria even if they are cleaned. I always recommend switching to metal or glass food and water dishes and washing them regularly.
How much variety can my dogs have in their diet? Should they be eating the same thing everyday or is it safe to mix it up?
Dr. Jessie: Dogs have fewer taste buds than humans do. They don’t taste things as intensely as people do, so they don’t need to have or desire to have that flavor change. Most importantly, their gastrointestinal tract thrives on consistency. Making changes abruptly can lead to gastrointestinal upset.
Dr. Jon: Side note, high-quality dog food is a balanced meal, so there’s no need to mix up their food if you are feeding them a high-quality kibble. It has all the vitamins and nutrients your dog needs.

How much should I be feeding my adult male cat? He acts like he’s always hungry but I think he’s eating too much
Dr. Jon: It depends on what food you’re feeding, since each brand of food has a different calorie content. They should be hungry by the time it’s meal time, but some cats just love to eat. Talking to your vet about your pet’s weight and eating habits is the best way to figure out if it’s a health condition that is causing your cat to eat excessively, or if it’s simply behavioral.
Why does my dog eat so much grass?
Dr. Jon: Some dogs just like grass. Dogs are omnivores, so in the wild dogs hunt for their food and they eat plant material as well. So it’s natural for dogs to like to eat grass.
Besides vaccines, what annual items would you recommend for my pet?
Dr. Jon: Annual heartworm tests for dogs and annual fecal testing for cats and dogs are really important in controlling parasites we can’t see that they could have. Annual blood work is also highly recommended to check organ function.
Dr. Jessie: Even low-grade chronic parasite infestation can cause an increased inflammatory state in your pet’s body, so they can live a longer happier life if you’re consistently using parasite control.
Are there any new diseases or a rise in certain health issues you have seen in pets recently?
Dr Jessie: Leptospirosis, which is a fairly new emerging disease here in Lane County, is spread through rats and small rodents. It is zoonotic, which means owners can get it from their dog. It can also be a challenging diagnosis, oftentimes pets don’t get diagnosed quick enough to save their lives, but it can be prevented with a vaccine.
I just got a new puppy! What should I expect for vet care for their first year of life?
Dr. Jon: Puppies require vaccines for the first few months of life, so expect multiple visits by the time they are 4 months old. Spay or neuter typically happens between 6 and 12 months old. Flea and heartworm prevention after 8 weeks and continue it throughout the year. Set aside money and have money saved up for emergency situations, since young animals eat things, get into things, and hurt themselves, so it’s always good to have a puppy/kitten fund.
What type of senior care should I give my older dog or cat?
Dr. Jon: Routine blood work is vital to monitor organ function values. Joint supplements for both dogs and cats can only help them as they age. Also, continuing preventatives like flea and heartworm prevention. Consulting your vet about dietary changes, since their needs change as they get older. Maintaining dental health throughout their adult years is also very important so they don’t need extensive extractions or dental work when they are older, and it can really improve the quality of life of your pet.
Four Corners Veterinary Clinic, 2777 West 11th Ave, 541/688.5521, fourcornersvetclinic.com
Dr. Jonathan Williams and Dr. Jessie Williams are a husband and wife duo who met at vet school in Pomona, California. After graduating and working at a few clinics in the Bay Area, they made the move back to Dr. Jessie’s hometown; Eugene. After working at another local clinic, Dr Jessie joined Dr. Jon as co-owner at Four Corners Veterinary Clinic in 2017. They specialize in high-quality pet care by offering a variety of preventative testing and treatments to ensure your pet is living its happiest and healthiest life. They also offer a variety of surgical procedures, laser therapy, and chiropractic for your furry friend. Dr. Jon also sees rabbits, ferrets, rats, and guinea pigs!