Have you heard of butter boards? Even if you haven’t seen one in person you have likely encountered pictures of the culinary phenomenon online. The butter board has many of the same elements of a charcuterie board but with a big difference — flavored butter is artfully spread onto a cutting board, and the whole thing is served with slices of bread or crackers for swirling into it. Unlike traditional charcuterie, which typically calls for a visit to the specialty counter of the market, butter boards can be made with things you probably already have on hand.

The trend started with butter, but flavored cream cheese or hummus also work. Use fruit, jam, fresh herbs, or your favorite seasoning blend. If your kids like peanut butter and honey with apples, try that. Or vegetables and a thick yogurt dip. A shallow dish can be used in place of a cutting board, and if you desire variety you could make multiple different small presentations. This snack is so versatile, you can use your imagination to take the butter board into new realms.