We’ve prepared a list of restaurants that are either open for sit-down meals on Thanksgiving, or that you can order from for pickup. If you want to order or make a reservation, call soon so you don’t miss your chance!
Carte Blanche Caterers
Order sides or a Family Thanksgiving Box for pickup. carteblanchecaterers.square.site
Forresters Bar and Grill
Single serve portions as well as full meals are available for pickup. holeinthewallbbq.com
Lion & Owl
Lion & Owl offers a complete meal for pickup. lionandowl.com
Market Of Choice
Order your choice of Thanksgiving dishes from a variety of options including side dishes, turkey, and baked goods. reservations.marketofchoice.com
Metropol Bakery
Order holiday sweets like cheesecake, pies, and muffins. metropolbakery.com
Noisette Pastry Kitchen
Order pies, baguettes, rolls, and brioche stuffing mix, as well as salted caramel sauce, and cranberry compote. noisettepk.com/thanksgiving
Nosh Eatery (Florence)
Order Thanksgiving meals, either family style dinners or a la carte. noshcreativecatering.com/thanksgiving
Our Daily Bread
Order turkey dinners and all the classic Thanksgiving side dishes for pickup. ourdailybreadrestaurant.com
Provisions Market Hall
Order a combination of sides to complete your meal. provisionsmarkethall.com
Reality Kitchen
Now taking holiday orders for pies, breads and rolls, and baked goods, along with full meal offerings. realitykitchen.org
Sheild Bistro & Catering Kitchen
Order a variety of Thanksgiving meal boxes or purchase a box to sponsor a family in need. sheildcatering.com
Sweet Life Patisserie
Order ahead for all the desserts you need, including dietary options like gluten-free, egg-free, and dairy-free options. sweetlifedesserts.com
Gordon Tavern
Enjoy a buffet-style dinner with all of the traditional dishes on Thanksgiving Day from noon to 8 p.m. gordontavern.com/thanksgiving